redactie • 8 jan 2014

2013 was een jaar waarin er verschillende geslaagde feministische campagnes werden gevoerd, waarbij de mogelijkheden van social media meestal met veel effectiviteit werden toegepast. Een kleine greep: No More Page 3, het ‘How to set up and run a successful feminist campaign’ vandaag centraal in LOVER’s Uitgelicht.

‘When Laura Bates, Soraya Chemaly and Jaclyn Friedman set up a campaign against misogynist pages on Facebook, they created mechanisms that made it incredibly easy for people to support them. They had decided to target advertisers whose products appeared alongside misogynist content, so on their campaign website, says Bates, "we had a page where we said: this is the company, here's the horrible image their advert appears beside, just click here to Tweet them, here to email them, here to put a post on their Facebook page. It was all automated, and ready-written." In the course of a week, more than 60,000 tweets were sent, companies began withdrawing their advertising from Facebook, and the site agreed to change its moderation policies.’ – Kira Cochrane