LOVER Tipt #10 2024

Are you looking for recommendations for books, series and movies whose themes revolve around intersectional feminism? LOVER has gathered some great tips for you! This edition will be written in English, and we will review and suggest some media pieces.
Podcast: She’s All Fat
She’s All Fat is a podcast which mainly talks about body positivity and fat-phobia from an intersectional feminist perspective. Hosted by Sophie Carter-Kahn, along with a diverse cast of guests, She’s All Fat explores everyday struggles for people with non-conforming bodies, including bias in medical care, constant body shaming and the stereotypical portrayals of fat characters in pop culture. Although many of these themes are far from being light-hearted, all the interviews and the storytelling are always infused with humour. Not to be missed if you are passionate about feminism and body diversity. You can listen to it on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts!
Series: Intimidad (2022)
Intimidad (English name Privacy, 2022) is a Netflix series about the devastating impact that a leaked sex tape (and generally revenge porn) can have on a women’s career and personal life. The show is set in Bilbao, Spain, and it centres around the story of the politician Malen Zubiri, whose intimate videos are shared publicly without her consent. Her story intertwines with that of Ane, a factory worker who met a similar fate, with explicit photos and videos taken where she works. Intimidad addresses the psychological violence, shame and stigma that women have to live with when sexually explicit content is leaked online, making an interesting parallel among women of completely different social backgrounds. Exploring such a complex theme as sex in the digital age, Intimidad wants to act as a call to reflect on why we are still scared and disgusted by female sexuality and how difficult it is to have agency over our bodies. A recommended series which confronts the watcher with the issue of online privacy and revenge porn, which is as topical as ever.
Book: Love Me Tender (2024)
Constance Debré's Love Me Tender (2021) follows the story of Constance, a mother dealing with the loss of the legal custody of her son and with the end of her marriage after coming out as a lesbian. Constance goes through a proper hero’s journey: she ends a twenty-year-old marriage, quits her job as a lawyer to focus on writing a novel, and gives up on most of her belongings to live a life not dominated by bourgeois instincts and desires. In the story, Constance struggles with not having full custody over Paul, her much-beloved son. While dealing with such emotions, she is also discovering and accepting new aspects of herself, including (but not limited to) her queerness and sexual awakening. Love Me Tender touches on complex themes such as economic instability, internalised homophobia and self-discovery while challenging society's traditional vision of “perfect” motherhood, romantic love and sexual desire. Costance's journey is a metaphor for radical acceptance and embodies many women’s desires not to give up and submit to societal expectations. Touching, radical and inspiring, Love Me Tender is the story of a woman who does not want to lose herself and her beloved son and who rejects patriarchal norms, accepting to live authentically.
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